Final Excursion

The Arch of Bitterfeld
Friday, start at 09:00: This trip will guide us to the transformation landscapes in the former lignite mining sites, starting from Halle and then turning towards Bitterfeld, its industrial museum and the industrial parks around Bitterfeld. We will experience the extremely fast land use / land cover changes in this regions by photorealistic visualizations and trips within the region and will enjoy then the result of transformed landscapes into highly valuable recreational landscapes (Goitzsche, Muldentalstausee) today. Afforestation and touristic development will be shown by examples. We will then spend one night in a museum / hotel close to Ferropolis and learn about the region.

Ferropolis from the air
Saturday end at ~ 17:00: We will have a stip visit to the "iron city" Ferropolis and then cross the cultural landscapes close to Halle, going back with a guided tour through the nature park "Unteres Saaletal" with the most scenic and culturally exciting landscapes whose formation is reaching back to times BC. Parts of our tour will touch a potential future UNESCO world heritage site "Naumburger Kulturlandschaft" with a rich heritage of buildings and landscape sceneries from the high time of the middle ages. Short hikes and scenic stops will be the highlights of this day. The evening can be spend together – on demand we can reserve places in the most known (and really excellent) brewery at place.
Ferropolis at night
Those being interested can also have a short visit to the eldest Salt mine in Halle, Sunday morning (on demand).
Salt mine in Halle
A more concrete time plan will come soon.